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Lessons to Learn from the Radha-Krishna Love Saga

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

"Radha-Krishna", the name that always comes together and symbolizes eternal and true love. The two names Radha and Krishna are not just names but two inseparable souls. There are so many lessons that modern-day couples can learn from the love saga of Radha and Krishna.

They teach us how to live a life full of happiness and love with your partner.

Radha-Krishna Quote

राधा कृष्ण का मिलन तो बस एक बहाना था,
दुनियां को प्यार का सही मतलब जो समझाना था।

A few lessons to learn from this mesmerizing love story are-

  • Be patient with your partner

According to mythology, Radha was ten years older than Krishna. It is believed that she did not open her eyes until the birth of Krishna.

Today, in the race to achieve materialistic goals, we have lost the patience to sit and listen to a person. We are all eager to say something, but when asked to listen we lose our patience. Always have time for your partner, and if for some reason your partner doesn't, then understand their situation. In times of anger, listen to each other and then react.

Patience is the key to a beautiful relationship like that of Radha and Krishna.

  • Be Ready to Sacrifice

To love is to sacrifice. When Krishna left Vrindavan, Radha knew that they could never get married and that he would be gone forever. But the physical togetherness did not matter to them as they were connected on a spiritual level. Falling in love is easy, but sacrificing your comfort and changing for someone is difficult. There will be instances where your small sacrifice will be the reason for your partner's happiness. It should not be very tough for you to choose the sacrifice over the happiness of your partner.

Radha-Krishna love quote

Love does not mean marriage, but dedication with full devotion.

  • Consider Yourselves Equals

Lord Krishna considered Radha as his strength. The understanding between them is beyond understanding. They were so devoted to each other that their bond was on a spiritual level. If you love your partner truly, you will treat them equally and respect each other's decisions just like Radha and Krishna did.

When a sense of reverence and respect is added to love, then love and devotion becomes balance

  • Be the Strength of your Partner

Radha is the soul of Krishna. She is the avatar of Shakti, that is, strength, and Krishna derived his strength from Radha. Many women loved Krishna, but Krishna was dedicated to his love and strength- Radha.

Just like Radha and Krishna, your love should give you strength and help you grow. It should not be your weakness. Your love should keep motivating you and the right motivation gives you the strength to move mountains (quite literally).

Like every other story, the Radha-Krishna love story teaches us many things about love. The key takeaways from this love story include-

  1. Being patient with your partner

  2. Being the strength of your partner

  3. Helping each other grow

  4. Having mutual respect for each other

  5. Understanding and not just reacting

  6. Sacrifice is the other name for love

  7. Believing and trusting each other

  8. Connecting on a soul level with your partner

  9. Taking mutual decisions

  10. Listening to your partner and being there for them.

The modern concept of love is all about instant connections. True love does not work that way. It requires patience, strength, time, and a lot of sacrifices to make a relationship work.

Love is not complicated, it is just too pure. We are the ones who make it complicated. Let us make our lives happier by bringing these lessons to life.

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1 Comment

Vishal Joshi
Vishal Joshi
Sep 17, 2021

Lovely! 👌👍👏

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