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DEMIGOD- The Fickle Finger of Fate!

“You are children of the three major gods. Who could withstand your combined power?”

Demigods are the off springs of a human and a deity, though in some cases the term demi deity can describe a mortal that has been promoted to a minor deity after death. Demigods typically have powers and abilities that are beyond what is possible for a human, but less than that of a true deity. The term used in ancient Greece for a demigod was "hemitheos," with the prefix "hemi-" translating to English as "half" and "theos" being the term for "god. The Latin prefix used in the English term, "demi-," also translated to "half," but can also translate to "partially," or "slightly inferior.

Demigods are most notably known from ancient Greek mythology, though similar concepts can be found in mythologies around the world.

As a result of how powerful the Big Three are, their demigod children tend to be the most powerful demigods in existence when they are alive, able to shape events through their presence. According to Chiron, World War II was essentially a war between the children of Zeus and Poseidon on one side and the children of Hades on the other. In myths and folklore, it is stated that putting the three known existing children of the Big Three together created a powerful enough force that she believed that nothing that they would face could withstand their combined power.

All of the Big Three agreed not to have more demigod children since their oath for fear of the Great Prophecy, but Zeus/Jupiter and Poseidon did. Hades/Pluto already had two children before they swore the oath, so technically he never broke it. The worst he did was never sending Nico and Bianca di Angelo to Camp Half-Blood and Hazel Levesque to Camp Jupiter. Poseidon has Percy (Perseus) Jackson and a Cyclops named Tyson, though there was no fear of Tyson fulfilling the first Great Prophecy as it required a demigod. Zeus/Jupiter had two children: Thalia Grace (a Greek demigod) and Jason Grace (a Roman demigod). It is implied in that the Big Three might have more demigod children in the future as they are now allowed to have children as part of the deal they made with Percy.

Percy was the second child of the Big Three to be born after the oath. He is the son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. According folklore, Percy is the most powerful demigod that he has ever met which includes the other demigods of the Big Three and the rest of the Seven who are all extremely powerful in their own rights.

Percy's presence was revealed at the worst possible time, as Zeus' Master Bolt and Hades' Helm of Darkness had been stolen. The appearance of a son of Poseidon made Hades and Zeus suspicious, as gods cannot go into each other's territory, but their children can. Poseidon was the only one of the Big Three that didn't have something stolen from him, placing most of the suspicion on him. Percy found both of the items and returned them, successfully preventing a war. Percy had more adventures and finally saved Olympus from the Titans, with help of Luke and Annabeth, fulfilling the Great Prophecy. Since then, Zeus and Hades have stopped hating Percy and now merely dislike him. Although given that Percy is directly responsible for Hades' position on the council with full privileges and rights, it would be fair to say that Hades has an improved opinion about Percy. He went on to play a major role in the defeat of Gaea and the closing of the Doors of Death, surviving falling into Tartarus itself in the process.

Hades already had Nico and Bianca when the Big Three made their agreement. Zeus gave Hades a week to send them to Camp Half-Blood, but Hades never did as he knew that Zeus would destroy them the minute they were out of Hades' territory. It was a week after the deadline and Hades was still trying to convince their mother, Maria di Angelo, to let him take them to the Underworld so he could protect them, but Maria repeatedly said no. The last time Hades saw his lover, she was going upstairs to get her purse when Zeus then struck the building with a lightning bolt, completely destroying it; Hades sensed the attack and had enough time to put a shield around Nico and Bianca, but Maria was killed. It was then that he told one of the Furies; Alecto, to take Nico and Bianca to the Lotus Hotel and Casino, where they would be hidden until he sent for them.

When they were found, Bianca joined the Hunters of Artemis while Nico went to Camp Half-Blood. However, Bianca died to save Percy and his friends from a defective version of Talos, leaving Nico as the last child of Hades alive. Nico wandered across the world and the Underworld, orphaned and alone, until he became closer with his father and helped Percy in the Second Titan War. After the Second Giant War in which Nico played a vital part, he chose to remain at Camp Half-Blood and began dating Will Solace, subsequently helping Apollo after he becomes mortal.

Thalia was the first demigod before the Oath, but she ended up becoming the tree that guards Camp Half-Blood for almost seven years. Thalia had a Roman younger brother named Jason, but he was abandoned by his mother and taken by Lupa to go train to become a soldier at Camp Jupiter.


Do you ever feel like that whatever you do, fate just seems to work against you? Or sometimes everything seems to happen from a reason? Well pals, the Ancient Greeks had a tale or two to explain this. According to myth, the gods of Fate and Destiny spin the thread of life that you walk. Referred to as the “Moirai”, these 3 sister goddesses have already sewn the path of your life, so stop stressing about the things you can’t control, live in the moment and go on a holiday! The seemingly random nature of life is further represented in the form of the blind god Pluto, who distributes wealth randomly. But, this wealth comes with a cost…happiness. All things in life come and go, including wealth. The things that truly matter are the experiences you share with the people you love. They are what truly make you happy, they last a lifetime, and all the gold in the world cannot buy you that!

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Muskaan Nagori
Muskaan Nagori
Sep 28, 2021

Interesting thought, and a very true one

Genuinely amazing!!👍


Jayant Phadke
Jayant Phadke
Sep 22, 2021

Good work


shweta more
shweta more
Sep 20, 2021

True....wealth is not everything...if it is, all wealthy people would have been very happy...true thought put in a nice way....good work👍

Adit Firke
Adit Firke
Sep 20, 2021
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Thank you so much☺️


vijaya nyahalse
vijaya nyahalse
Sep 20, 2021

Very well written 👍👍

Adit Firke
Adit Firke
Sep 20, 2021
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Sep 20, 2021

Awesome really inspiring blog.

Adit Firke
Adit Firke
Sep 20, 2021
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Thank you !!

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